A tu medida

Educational Workshops

We disseminate geology through theoretical-practical workshops aimed at schoolchildren and / or professionals.


Geological risks

Living in Chile implies that each of its inhabitants at some point in their life faces a natural catastrophe. The dizzying growth, occupation and lack of observation has led the population to build in areas that are not suitable, being subject to volcanic risks, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods or gravitational movements. Having clarity of territorial dynamism improves our preparation and acting about it.

Atacama Geoheritage

How can we preserve our natural patrimony if we don’t know about it? Our region is blessed with exceptional geological sites, many of them unknown.
We invite you to be part of the change; a workshop aimed at promoting citizen empowerment through knowledge.
Qbda. Descubridora (2)
tours en chile desde santiago

Geology in national parks

El taller ideal para los amantes de la naturaleza,. Buscamos entregar de manera sencilla y explicativa la maravillosa historia geológica de los tres parques nacionales de la región de Atacama (Nevado de Tres Cruces, Llanos de Challe y Pan de Azúcar).

We teach you to listen to a living territory, with constant changes over time, to see beyond the dazzling landscapes.

Guide rental

If you have your own vehicle, you can hire the guide service to accompany your routes. A safe and educational trip

imagen arrienda un guia

Videos and photos

We provide filming and photos, delivering pure or edited material.

Geological Surveys

We carry out cartographic surveys, geological characterizations, aerial photogrammetry and support of projects of various kinds related to Earth sciences.
